ABC's of Home Office Design- Decluttering
ABC's of (Home) Office Design

D is for Decluttering

Today’s post of ABC’s of (Home) Office Design‘ discusses something most of us dread having to do, but it’s time to face it …

D is for Decluttering  

I know- we all have items that we simply couldn’t bear to part with (myself included)! 

Decluttering doesn’t mean you have to throw everything out though. You just need to choose items that are going to useful to you in your space. These include the ones that are going to serve their purpose (even décor items are included in this). If it inspires you and/ or reminds you of a favourite time, place or person(s), keep it!  

But just remember to be frugal in your choices, as you’ll need to accommodate everything in your office space while still having room to breathe & be productive.

Decluttering Tips

If it’s broken, past its relevance and meaning to your current life and you haven’t used it in the past 6 months, throw it out or better yet, donate it to a worthy cause! 

This is also a perfect opportunity to recycle those old magazines, newspapers, old birthday cards and other old technology.  


And the reward? 

By decluttering, you’ll feel refreshed by clearing your space by giving yourself room to breathe, room to think and room for new ideas! 

Not only will you feel a sense of achievement for finally tackling a difficult task, if you recycle, you’ll be doing your bit for the environment. You’ll also be helping those in need if you donate items of value that can be resold (eg. old books, new or unused craft supplies and hobby items or equipment).

Not something you can see yourself doing without encouragement?

Click here to find out more about the services we offer. Just looking for some inspiration? Follow this link for some ideas or contact me directly on for more details about an online consultation where we can plan your space & work out what needs to stay or go! 

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